The Co-operative Credit Union League of Bangladesh Ltd. (CCULB)
The Apex organization of Co-operative Credit Unions of Bangladesh is called as The Co-operative Credit Union League of Bangladesh Ltd. in short CCULB, founded in 1979 with participation of eleven (11) primary Credit Unions from the then greater Dhaka district. CCULB registered with Co-operative Department, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Co-operatives, and Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh in April, 1986. The Management Committee of CCULB comprises of 12 members, having Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and eight Directors elected from among the affiliated member Credit Unions of CCULB. The General Manager acts as the Chief Executive Officer.
The main role of CCULB is to act as motivator or catalyst for Credit Unions. CCULB helps to organize people together for savings and teach them how to utilize their savings through mutual understanding and co-operation. CCULB also provides Accounts & Audit Services, supplies update information, exchange modern ideas and techniques, development services for membership expansion, represent & restore member credit unions interest, provide different training & motivational service etc. for human resource development. It helps the Credit Union movement to expand throughout the people of Bangladesh to build a better future through the Credit Union. As of June 30, 2012 total 628 primary Co-operative Credit Unions were affiliated with the CCULB with individual membership of 3,35,312 and accumulated assets of Taka 10.7 billion (Taka One Thousand Seventy crore).
- To create awareness on the necessity of thrift and savings;
- Help to organize new Co-operative Credit Unions especially with the participation of low earning group of people to accumulate savings in order to create capital to be lent to its members and develop socio-economic condition of people on `Self-help’ basis;
- To organize various types of educational training, workshop, seminar and forum to educate the leaders, members and professionals of co-operative credit unions;
- To collect advance technologies and publish different educational booklets, bulletin, co-operative finance and governance newsletter and many other necessary forms to be used in the management and accounts of the co-operative credit union;
- To develop skill and performance of Credit Union staff members as well as CCULB staff too;
- To monitor and evaluate the member Credit Unions;
- To implement statutory as well as internal audit to its members co-operative credit unions;
- Improve and standardize Credit Unions;
- To provide Mutual Aid Services to its members;
- Introduce & finance for income generating program for group members;
- To organize groups and micro-finance program for `have less’ through member Credit Unions;
- Introduce & provide affordable financial services for members/stakeholders;
- Emphasis women development & empowerment in Credit Unions and social sector;
- Educate and develop youth for better future;
- Inter-lending services for member Credit Unions;
- To organize Self Help Advancement of Community through Economic Empowerment (SHACTEE) program among Credit Unions;
- Regulatory, Monitoring, evaluation and legal support to member Credit Unions;
- To maintain national and international affiliations for supportive assistance for Credit Union movement.